On the converted school bus2018 FedEx Small Business Grant Winners DropWater CEO Scott Edwards and business operations manager Britni Heter.
Adjusting the vending machineDropWater CEO Scott Edwards adjusts a machine used to dispense water into recyclable containers.
Moving equipmentDropWater software engineer Marc Rauschnot, left, and mechatronics engineer Ron Sloat move a vending machine used to dispense water into recyclable containers.
Electric car and recyclable containersDropWater business operations manager Britni Heter moves a box of recyclable containers into her electric vehicle. The containers are used inside a machine that dispenses water into recyclable containers.
Machining partsDropWater CEO Scott Edwards machines parts inside his company’s shop.
Coding the vending machineDropWater software engineer Marc Rauschnot adjusts settings on the DropWater machine using a laptop.
Recyclable water containersDropWater’s recyclable water containers, used inside a machine used to dispense water into the containers.